Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kenapa kena simpan Silver?

Untuk kawan-kawan yang belum ada buat simpanan
silver , mesti tanya, "Kenapa perlu aku beli?"

Bila saya mula cerita tentang kepentingan menyimpan
dalam silver  ada sorang kawan kata:

"Tak cukup ke simpan duit dalam ASB atau unit trust?
Simpanan jugak kan? Confirm ada dividen tiap-tiap tahun.
Tak payah nak risau harga jatuh ke atau rumah kena rompak."

Ini adalah jawapan yang biasa saya terima. Saya pulak
tak boleh nafikan yang duit ASB masih dikira simpanan,
silver  tak memberi dividen dan turun naik harga
silver memang menakutkan (bagi yang tidak faham).

Sebab no. 1 kawan-kawan kena menyimpan dalam
silver  ialah kerana kadar hutang lapuk bertrillion
dolars yang ditanggung oleh negara-negara barat yang
kononnya dilabel negara maju. Dan 'champion' penghutang
paling banyak adalah tidak lain dan tidak bukan: Amerika Syarikat.

Jom cek sini berapa hutang Amerika sekarang: google: US Debt Clock
Terkejut tak bila tengok hutang negara 'KAYA' USD14 trillion?

"Lah, apa pulak kena mengena hutang diaorang
dengan rakyat Malaysia?
Apa kena mengena dengan kena simpan silver ?"

Kalau kita ada kawan yang suka berhutang,
bila dia tak ada tunai dia akan mohon kad kredit.
Jenis belanja sakan lepas tu bayar minimum tiap2 bulan.
Lepas satu kredit kad dah max dia mintak kat bank lain.
Belanja sakan lagi.
Bayar minimum sahaja lagi.

Sampai satu hari, takde bank yang akan approve
kad kredit. Pinjam pulak kat kawan-kawan.
Masih tak sedar diri. Belanja sakan dan buat-buat lupa
bayar bila kawan tanya. Lama-lama isytihar bankrap.

Beza Amerika dengan kawan kita yang boros di atas,
Amerika BOLEH CETAK DUIT untuk konon-konon
tunjuk kaya. Amerika dah cetak 9 trillion dollars untuk berbelanja.

Sekarang lagi senang, mana pakai mesin cetak lagi,
tinggal masukkan masukkan command:
'masukkan 1 trillion dalam bank' lepas tu tekan 'Enter'.

Lambakan duit inilah INFLASI SEBENAR. Bukannya kenaikkan harga.
Kenaikkan harga barang hanyalah simptom untuk inflasi.
Contohnya zaman Jepun dulu, duit daun pisang
berlambak-lambak tapi takde nilai.
Harga barang tinggi sebab duit dah semakin banyak.

Bila kepercayaan terdapat sistem matawang terhakis,
manusia akan berpusu-pusu cari silver  untuk
melindungi harta.

Kejadian ni dah jadi berulang-ulang kali dalam sejarah.
Contoh: Dinasti Yuan, Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe.

Cuba kawan-kawan google 'hyperinflation'.

Bila semua orang berpusu-pusu menukar wang kertas
yang cepat sangat susut nilai kepada silver ,
harga sudah tentu akan melambung. Selagi kerajaan
dunia tak berenti mencetak lagi banyak duit,
selagi tu la silver  akan naik harga.

Bukan silver  je yang naik harga, SEMUA barang akan terus naik harga.

"Kalau kita beli insurans sebagai pelindung kereta,
Kita KENA juga beli silver  sebagai pelindung harta."

Saya nampak kesedaran masih kurang menyimpan dalam bentuk silver. Untuk yang ada kesedaran pun, mereka tercari-cari cara memulakan pelaburan silver. Ebook 'Pelaburan Fizikal di Malaysia + Kajian Kes Tukar Ganda Silver' akan mendedahkan kaedah terbaik untuk memulakan pelaburan perak. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fractional Reserve Banking

How money is created in a “Fractional Reserve Banking” system. Chapter 7 of Chris Martenson’s Crash

How the US Federal Reserve System creates new money. Chapter 8 of Chris Martenson’s Crash Course

credit : You Tube &

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gaddafi Gold Dinar

When to Exit Silver?

Not Quite Yet: James Turk, Gene Arensberg and Antal Fekete’s take on exiting silver.
Exit SilverBecause silver is a much smaller and more volatile market than gold, we’ve watched it roar back from $8.70 in October 2008 to today’s approximate $38.00 per oz. It continues its seemingly unstoppable bull run and many experts predict $50 per oz before the year is out. It’s painfully evident that the general public has yet to catch onto why they should position themselves in physical gold and silver, but for those who have, let’s talk exit strategy for silver.
I’ve recently learned the mere mention of exiting silver strikes fear in the hearts of many diehard silver bugs around the world, but let’s take a look how we can use silver’s imminent breakout to our advantage. I’ve asked a variety people what their thoughts are on the matter and when asked if and when they would exit silver, many flatly said, “never”. I’d like to direct these people to the following for their consideration:
In a recent correspondence with James Turk, Founder/Chairman of GoldMoney he said, “Most people are probably aware that I am more bullish on silver than gold from a long-term point of view, but they are also aware of my proviso. Silver is more volatile than gold. For example, look what the gold/silver ratio did in 2008, climbing from 46 to 84 in a few months after the Lehman collapse. More recently, the ratio declined from 60 to 39 in about 6 months. This volatility means that silver is not for everyone. But if you are willing to accept the volatility, then I recommend having 1/3rd of your bullion portfolio in silver and the remaining 2/3rds in gold. As the ratio falls, the percent of silver in your portfolio in dollar terms increases. I expect the gold/silver ratio to fall within the next 2-4 years to at least 20-to-1, and I would not be surprised if it reverts to its historical average of around 16-to-1.”
If you agree with industry legend, Turk’s predictions; then instead of selling silver and jumping on a doomed sinking ship (fiat currency), it makes sense to use arbitrage to increase the amount of ounces of gold bullion you own throughout the bull market. Swapping silver for gold along the way to make gains. The questions are when and how much to swap.
Gene Arensberg who writes the highly acclaimed and popular, Got Gold Report, recently told me “I think that we are transitioning into a new era for silver and we cannot rely on the recent past for guidance. The recent past was dominated by massive government dishoarding of silver metal for decades. People got used to having cheap silver but it was an artificial illusion.” Gene pointed out a recent entry titled “GGR Excerpt – The Silver Plan” that discusses his personal plan to exit the silver market: “Since we currently have no need for the silver we have accumulated in years past, we have personally adopted a single plan for our physical silver holdings. We intend to wait patiently, for years if necessary (haven’t we already?), for the time when less than 30 ounces of silver will “buy” an ounce of gold. At that time we plan to convert one-quarter of our silver into gold one-ounce coins. At 25:1 we will convert another quarter. And at 20:1 or better, yet one more quarter will go for the gold. And if silver manages to get all the way to a 15:1 ratio to gold again (see the star on the graph), like it did in January, 1980, the last of our silver will be converted to real money.”
Historical Gold/Silver Ratio
Historical Gold/Silver Ratio
Antal Fekete, a Monetary Scientist and Mathematician who lectures on Austrian economics said this on the subject: “There is a plausible argument for silver catching up with gold and the bimetallic ratio going to 16. I would look at this as a pendulum-like action between 100 and 16.” According to Antal, there are a lot of advantages in buying silver and he’s aware that people are playing the gold-silver arbitrage game, but cautioned to keep some physical silver. In dire economic times, you wouldn’t want to show your gold (people may kill you for it). People should keep small denomination physical silver for small transactions.
I enjoyed this tongue-in-cheek remark from a silver bug when he said he’d exit silver when rap stars on television are flashing chunky silver chains and 10 oz silver bars in their videos, or when his next door neighbour starts buying it. However, the general sentiment among the silver bug community is to hold onto their physical silver as a hedge against inflation and protection for possible hyperinflation. Some silver bugs intend to hold their physical metal and then pass it onto their children as an inheritance that will not go into probate, or to perhaps make a real estate purchase with it when the timing is right. The bugs will certainly not part with their silver for “worthless fiat” currency as they believe that they are holding “real money”. Since Nixon floated gold on the open market in 1971, the Au Ag ratio hit a low of 17:1 in 1980 due in part to the Hunt brothers’ efforts to corner the silver market. Today, in 2011, the current ratio is lingering around 38:1. After reading Gene Arensberg’s plan and viewing his chart here, there were opportunities to swap some silver for gold, but I believe the best opportunities are still to come. Recently, Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Management was quoted that record low gold/silver ratios are to come and are headed to 20:1 or lower – Some experts feel it could even overshoot to 10:1 because gold may face strong resistance at $2000, while silver will simultaneously barrel on its trajectory.
It makes sense to have the largest portion of your physical metal holdings in physical gold as it offers easier storage, has less volatility and has been the money of kings for over 5000 years. If you`re in a position of holding a lot of silver and little to no gold, a practical way to attain this goal while at the same time capitalizing on silver`s impending breakout, is to watch the gold to silver ratio decrease and swap a portion of your silver holdings for gold at particular milestones. For the record, I’m not a speculative investor and will remain long on both gold and silver as a safe haven and insurance policy against depreciating currencies. I’m not a financial advisor in this jurisdiction or any other.

The Big Boys is Robbing Your Wealth

silver coins

Volcker warns of danger from U.S. deficits

Fri May 6, 2011 10:15pm EDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker warned on Friday that trillion-dollar deficits posed a threat to the stability of the U.S. economy and the dollar, and said he is frustrated by the gridlock in Washington.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker warned on Friday that trillion-dollar deficits posed a threat to the stability of the U.S. economy and the dollar, and said he is frustrated by the gridlock in Washington.
Speaking before the World Affairs Council of Oregon, Volcker said that “prolonging trillion dollar deficits can’t be a reality” and that the United States is on course to have its public debt exceed the size of its gross domestic product.
“One way or another, we do have to return to a balanced budget,” he said in prepared remarks.
Volcker’s speech came on the same day that the Congressional Budget Office said the U.S. budget deficit had totaled $871 billion for the first seven months of the year, which is significantly above the previous year’s pace. On Thursday, Vice President Joe Biden led a bipartisan meeting in an effort to strike a deal with Republicans on cutting the growing federal deficit and averting a default.
They face an August 2 deadline to raise the country’s $14.3 trillion debt limit.
Volcker, who stepped down early this year as the chairman of President Barack Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, said he was concerned about how the U.S. consumes and borrows “to the point that China, Japan and other foreign countries hold more than 5 trillion dollars of U.S. government obligations.”
“Consider that statistic in the light of prospects for continuing deficits, doubts about future inflation and the international stability of the dollar,” he said, noting that the U.S. is running out of time to fix things.
In order to address the deficit, Volcker said he agrees lawmakers need to tackle discretionary spending, an area that could help the U.S. save $300 billion from present projections by 2020. But that alone, he said, will not be enough to address the trillion dollar deficits.
“I will put the point bluntly,” he said. “It is simply unrealistic and irresponsible to believe budgetary balance can be achieved without higher revenues relative to GDP. We won’t generate those higher revenues without tax reform.
Separately, Volcker also discussed his views on the progress made so far on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street overhaul legislation and other efforts around the world to bolster regulation of the financial markets.
Volcker was the driving force behind a pillar of the Dodd-Frank law known as the Volcker rule, which cracks down on proprietary trading by big banks. Although he no longer has a formal advisory role in the administration, he still visits the White House on occasion.
In particular, he said he was concerned about a failure to properly address certain key areas including credit-rating agencies, accounting issues and money market funds — an issue the Securities and Exchange Commission plans to explore in a roundtable discussion next week.
“Taken all together, my personal grade on financial reform is incomplete,” he said, noting that it is even more lacking abroad than in the U.S. “I do not equate incomplete with out of time, but I fear that momentum in the reform effort is waning.”
source : Original Source

Saturday, May 7, 2011

China Buying Silver Overnight

China Buying Silver Overnight, Prudent Money Holding and Accumulating Bullion on Dip
Gold and silver are tentatively higher after their 2% and 8% falls yesterday. In silver, speculators on the COMEX continue to liquidate en masse after margin was increased a massive 84% and various stop loss levels are hit, leading to further falls in the futures market.
Cross Currency Rates

Absolutely nothing has changed regarding the fundamentals driving the gold and silver markets and this will likely be another correction in gold and another sharp correction in silver.
Gold and silver’s rise is likely to continue until we return to a world of healthy economic growth, low inflation and positive real interest rates.
Gold in US Dollars - Bloomberg Adjusted for Inflation 1971 to 2011 (Monthly)

It is important to put the falls in gold and particularly silver in context and as ever focus on the long term. The long term inflation-adjusted charts put the gold correction and silver crash (above and below) in perspective and show both as being buying opportunities again. Although buyers should consider dollar cost averaging into position in order to mitigate any further price weakness.
With macroeconomic, monetary and geopolitical risks remaining high – including the threat of terrorism and war – safe haven demand from investors, pension funds and central banks is likely to continue.
The usual gold and silver bubble callers are out in force once again and it is interesting how there appears to be more coverage of gold and particularly silver now than there was with prices rising in 2010 and early 2011.
Silver in US Dollars - Bloomberg Adjusted for Inflation 1971 to 2011 (Monthly)

Indeed, mere rumours that Soros may have sold some of his gold and silver holdings led to massive media coverage.
The fact that John Paulson and a number of other increasingly respected hedge fund managers still own massive gold positions and are not selling did not receive as much coverage as the rumours of Soros selling some of his gold.
John Paulson told investors at a breakfast on Tuesday that he expects gold to hit $2,500/oz to $4,000/oz in the next three to five years.
Also, the massive gold accumulation by Mexico, Russia and Thailand was barely reported in the non-specialist financial press, nor was reported the news regarding Portugal being urged to sell its gold by senior German lawmakers.
Silver’s sell off has been vicious but value buyers continue to accumulate silver bullion. Jim Rogers, who arguably has a better track record than Soros in recent years, remains bullish on gold and silver and told CNBC, “if it goes down I hope I’m smart enough to buy more silver."
Other widely followed and respected investors with expertise on gold and silver such as Peter Grandich and Jim Sinclair are also relaxed about the falls and remain bullish on gold and silver due to the continuing strong fundamentals.
Also, there are reports this morning from the Wall Street Journal and Mitsui that there was decent buying of silver from China at these price levels overnight.
credit :